Beatson staff to fly the #teambeatson flag at ESTRO 35 conference

28th April 2016 12:00

28th April 2016

This weekend the ESTRO 35 conference takes place in Turin and we’re proud that several Beatson staff members are attending to fly the #teambeatson flag! Founded in 1980, ESTRO, the European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology, is a non-profit and scientific organisation that fosters the role of Radiation Oncology in order to improve patients’ care in the multimodality treatment of cancer. Thanks to this fantastic organisation and this weekend’s world-leading conference, radiation oncologists, medical physicists, biologists, brachytherapists and radiation therapists will join forces with others in the oncology field to share ESTRO’s vision of excellence in cancer treatment.  
At ESTRO 35, our very own Beatson experts in radiotherapy from Glasgow will discover new opportunities for all oncology professionals, not only the researchers but also the hundreds of staff involved in the daily care of patients. We’re looking forward to catching up with the staff attending this fantastic conference to hear, learn and share what they come back with. At Beatson Cancer Charity, we’re always keen to learn about and support the latest in radiotherapy research. We’re also committed to providing funding for NHS staff education and training which supports staff development by enabling them to attend specific study days, conferences and gain further experience and qualifications.  

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Funded by Beatson Cancer Charity, Aileen Duffton is a Research Radiographer at The Beatson. She’s particularly excited about ESTRO 35 because she sits on the Radiation Therapist Committee which is a huge achievement. The Committee aims to raise the profile of radiotherapy, improve educational standards of radiation therapist in Europe and improve the quality of radiotherapy. The Committee’s vision is truly powerful - every patient around the world, whoever they are, should have access to world-class radiotherapy. Aileen will also be presenting some of her own research findings and we wish her all the best! 
Board member and another huge supporter of Beatson Cancer Charity, Professor Anthony Chalmers, is on the Scientific Programme Committee for ESTRO 35 and he will also be giving presentations and chairing sessions and courses throughout the event – we look forward to hearing how the programme was received! 

Garry Currie, Suzy Smith, Eithne MacPherson and Ross Carruthers will also be representing The Beatson at the world-leading conference. We’d like to wish them all the best and we can’t wait to hear about how radiotherapy research is contributing to the fight against cancer. Stay in touch for much more on radiotherapy and how incredibly vital this new research is. #radiotherapy#ESTRO#ESTRO35#TheBeatson#teambeatson#cancer#Turin 

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